Why a Comprehensive Flooring Approach to Flooring Systems Matters
REDRHINO’s approach to epoxy flooring systems is a comprehensive, end-to-end approach. What does this mean for our clients? It means that you are buying the whole package. It means that we are here, doing the work ourselves, every step of the process. It means that we have built teams of experienced professionals whom you can trust to get the job done efficiently and right, the first time. It means that ultimately, REDRHINO’s promise of premium quality puts more money in your pocket. It means your REDRHINO team is the national leader in epoxy flooring.
In order to provide the best product, REDRHINO decided early on that it would install epoxy flooring systems with an “end-to-end” approach. REDRHINO epoxy flooring system installations start and end with REDRHINO. This strategy creates consistency and allows our teams to assess your needs quickly, developing solutions that optimize your operations. Because we control your installation from start to finish, we know every aspect, demand and nuance of the project. Our teams can quickly and effectively trouble shoot issues that might arise at any point during the installation process.
Installation companies frequently outsource their work resulting in a patchwork approach to your epoxy flooring installation. A contractor provides consultation and estimates, then outsource their product orders and installation to the lowest bidder or to sub-contractors with availability. Though certainly not always, outsourced installations can equate to inferior products which can result in damages like cracks or chips that need replacing and repair more frequently (impacting your ability to operate and increasing your expenses). Contrary to many epoxy flooring installation companies, REDRHINO does not outsource any work to sub or independent contractors. We maintain a large bench of fully trained and experienced installers. Each person working your project is a fully trained, experienced professional that is a W-2 REDRHINO employee. You benefit from a cohesive, knowledgeable team who has accrued years of collective industry experience.
An additional, and key, element of our comprehensive approach is internal ownership of our epoxy floor coatings. REDRHINO carries our own line of premium epoxy flooring products and with that comes full, customizable control. REDRHINO has the ability to adjust chemicals, blending coatings to each project’s specifications. This control also allows us to recognize environmental or elemental factors that could jeopardize a project’s outcome and alter the chemical makeup of epoxy to address them in real time. Because we control our products, they are also backed by the REDRHINO warranty. Often, when there is a failure of the installation, the installation company will blame the product and the product representative will blame faulty or incorrect installation. Meanwhile, the client is left in the middle with no definite or immediate plan to remedy the issue. With REDRHINO, it is our product, it is our installation team, it is our problem — we own it. As a result of the “end-to-end” products and services provided by REDRHINO, our warranty is broader in scope and longer in duration than the industry standard.
REDRHINO is compliant with all necessary licenses and insurances as mandated by their respective regional statutes, in addition to national and/or state operations requirements. Our excperience allows REDRHINO to execute epoxy floorings systems of any size. We are equipped to handle virtually any large commercial or industrial project and have proven track records ranging across food processing to aerospace manufacturing to healthcare, automotive services and multiple other industries.
REDRHINO has a simple commitment: put all customers first and do the industry’s best work on every project. With appropriate quality control systems in place, REDRHINO ensures that your flooring is handled the right right, the first time, every time. Our comprehensive approach allows REDRHINO to provide unparalleled expertise, meticulous procedure for consistently excellent finished products when installing floor systems for our clients nationwide.